The Bay Aging Board of Directors membership is composed of volunteers who represent each of the counties Bay Aging serves. Ten members are appointed by their county’s Board of Supervisors. Five members are chosen by the citizens of the Middle Peninsula and Northern Neck. All serve for a term of five years.

2024 Bay Aging Board Meeting Dates

January 25, 2024 @ 9:30 a.m. by zoom meeting

March 28, 2024 @ 9:30 a.m. by zoom meeting

May 23, 2024 @ 9:30 a.m. by zoom meeting

July 25, 2024 @ 9:30 a.m. by zoom meeting

September 26, 2024 @ 9:30 a.m. by zoom meeting

November 21, 2024 @ 9:30 a.m. by zoom meeting

Finance Committee Meetings are held the Thursday before the Board meeting by zoom meeting at 9:30 a.m.

January 18, 2024

March 21, 2024

May 16, 2024

July 18, 2024

September 19, 2024

November 14, 2024

Executive Committee Meetings – As needed

Nominating Committee Meetings – As needed

All other Committee Meetings – As needed

Zoom Meeting Info for all Meetings:

Join Zoom Meeting

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Board of Directors

October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2022


Jimmie Carter

Chair, At Large

Resident of Lancaster County, Foundation Director for Rappahannock General Hospital; very active community volunteer

Barry L. Gross, M.D.

Vice-Chair,  At Large

Resident of Gloucester County, practicing physician; Former 17yr CMO and EVP for Riverside Health System; very active in many health care related organizations

Stanley Clarke

Treasurer, Essex County

Retired Sheriff of Essex County; volunteers through his church community and civic groups
Board of Directors Vera Lee Lancaster County

Vera Lee

Recording Secretary, Lancaster County

Assistant to Children’s Library Director in Lancaster; previous Director of Wellness, Child Care/Teen Center at Northern Neck YMCA; worked in Oncology at Rappahannock General Hospital for 20 years.


Board of Directors Ron Saunders Treasurer, Gloucester County

Ron Saunders

Gloucester County

Retired from Dominion Virginia Power
Active in the community including efforts to support community organizations through the Gloucester Community Foundation
Bill Doyle

Bill Doyle

(At Large)

Resident of Northumberland County; Retired from a career in banking; Retired Vice President of Finance and Admin Services at Rappahannock Community College; Active in civic organizations and LEAD River Counties

Cynthia Talcott

Richmond County

Retired, worked with adults with disabilities in supported employment programs; active community volunteer

Lynda Smith

Mathews County

Resident of Mathews County
Secretary of the Mathews Ruritan Club
Member of Mathews CERT

Reverend Maria Harris

King William County

Associate Minister at Mt. Sinai Baptist Church in Aylett; active in her community and strong advocate for people with disabilities

Charles Adkins, Esq.

King & Queen County

King and Queen County Retired Commonwealth’s Attorney; active community volunteer

James “Jim” Dudley

(At Large)

Resident of Middlesex County. Retired Director of McGuire Veterans Medical Center; Retired Director of Medical Services for the Paralyzed Veterans of America; Vestry governing board of his Church

Bruce Craig

Northumberland County

Retired from AoA; Vice President of Northumberland-Lancaster Habitat for Humanity; active volunteer through numerous organizations

Board of Directors Karen Lewis Vice-Chair, Westmoreland County

Karen Lewis

Westmoreland County

Assistant County Administrator for Westmoreland County; community volunteer and advocate for seniors and people with disabilities

Belinda Johnson

(At Large)

Resident of Westmoreland County, works for DSS; advocate for the disenfranchised; volunteers through several civic organizations

Robert Wilbanks

Middlesex County

VP of IT at LifeSpire of Virginia; non-profit board/volunteerism experience; interested in the betterment of the community.

Bay Aging Foundation Board of Directors

The Bay Aging Foundation Board of Directors determines the policies, procedures and regulations for the Bay Aging Foundation; engages in cultivating relationships, stewardship and raising funds to finance Bay Aging; provides leadership for long-term and strategic planning; and monitors the Foundation’s performance.

Learn more about how to support Bay Aging through charitable giving here.


Left to right: Assistant Director, Multifamily Housing Management, Hunter LeClair; Housing Choice Voucher Program Manager, Megan Akers; Senior VP, Housing, Josh Gemerek; Bay Aging President and CEO, Kathy Vesley; and [...]